NDRates (c) Obelisk Computers Ltd. Business rates software calculator for England, Wales and Scotland for the 2023, 2017 and 2010 Rating Lists.

NDRates (c) business rates software for rating surveyors of commercial property, rates audits and for billing authorities resolving complex cases. All aspects of calculations are shown from any date and across lists from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2026. A previous version of NDRates (c) can also be provided that calculates business rates bills from 1st April 1995 to 31st March 2023.
NDRates (c) can calculate properties individually or an entire portfolio of properties. Features that make NDRates (c) ideally suited for those managing numerous client properties. NDRates (c) provides savings reports resulting from RV changes. Additionally, the ability to resolve numerous and complex RV alterations makes NDRates (c) a versatile application for resolving complex billing cases.It supports calculations for England, Wales and Scotland. Properties regions can be mixed in a portfolio. It supports multiple portfolios of property data and data can be imported from other copies of NDRates (c). NDRates (c) provides a range of report styles from basic client reports to detailed reports showing all aspects of calculations.

Calculations and reports include Transitional Relief, Splits, Mergers, N/J Reductions, Unphased Increases, Reg27, Reg15, Reg16 increases, Reg17, Reg44a, empty, relief (rural, discretionary, charity, 2017 and 2023 revaluation relief for England (SBBS) and Wales),  City of London levy, Cross Rail (BRS) and the Small Business Rates Relief schemes for England and Wales.It includes the 2020-2025 Covid-19 Retail, Hospitality and Leisure relief schemes.
NDRates users have now verified all their NDR bills for 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025 for England, Wales and Scotland.

NDRates (c) is Microsoft Visual Basic (c) software using Excel (c) for reporting.
NDRates (c) can be evaluate free of charge and all upgrades are free of charge.  

An independent product review of NDRates (c) by Tewkesbury Borough Council

"It will quickly calculate transitional relief - when ratepayers or agents phone us up to give details of a change we are able to make the calculation and put the correct details promptly in a new bill. It has helped us with the most difficult splits and mergers. It is easy to use and Obelisk have been very dedicated to support".

Development news (May 2024). NDRates404 can now create PDF report files for sending to clients. It supports Windows 10,11 (c) and duel monitors.

Microsoft Windows (c), XP (c), NT (c), Microsoft Office (c), Microsoft Excel (c) and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (c) are the copyright of Microsoft Corporation. WinZip (c) is the copyright of WinZip Computing, Inc.

Modern Slavery Act 2015. Obelisk Computers Ltd policy is compliance to the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Obelisk Computers Ltd condemns modern slavery and human trafficking. It is dedicated to ensuring modern slavery does not exist in the business or its supply chains. The company will not enter into business with any organisation which knowingly supports or is found to be involved in slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour or in their supply chains. The company business, being the supply of software designed and developed by the company, which is supplied to clients that are all UK based (not a high risk location). Obelisk Computers Ltd considers it to be of low risk of modern slavery both within the business and supply chains of the business.