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NDRATES (c) one year licence.

Our policy remains to provide all upgrades free of charges.
NDRates single user copy annual licence £700.00

Discounts are available for small companies with limited use requirements. Each licence includes user office, portable and home use.

NDRates404 (c) download details.

The download file NDRates404Full.exe (1 MB) is a self-extracting WinZip (c) file. It contains all the support files for NDRates (c). 

After the download in the WinZip Self-extractor click [Unzip]. Or select [Save] and a dialogue box is presented allowing you to select the directory for the download file. Please contact us to obtain an evaluation licence number. Call our free phone number.

If you get a Blue Security Message [Windows10 (c) and Windows 11 (c)] . Select [More Info]  then select [Run Anyway]

If you get a Red Security Message (older Windows version) when you select [Run] to run the download. From the security options, ( [Delete] [Actions] [View Download] ). Select [Actions] and now select [Run Anyway] or ( [More Options] and [Run Anyway] ).

All files are places in a c:\ndrates local directory

NDRates (c) full version of software. NDRates404 (24th May 2024) (click the blue line below- file hosted with dropbox please click on the file to start the download)

Please contact us for information and how to install when using Microsoft Office 2010 or later versions.

The following sections explains the NDRates404Full.exe (self-extracting WinZip (c) file) download.

In DropBox (c). click the name NDRates404Full.exe in the large letters in the middle of the screen and click [Download] if presented.
OR Click [Download] (middle right of the screen).

IGNORE the DropBox (c) LOGIN or SIGN UP screen options.
At the bottom of the LOG IN or SIGN UP screen.
Or Continue with download only

Next it depends on what browser you are using?
Using Google Chrome (c) a box at top right of the screen will say NDRates404Full.exe. Click on this select [Open File]
A message downloading file may remain at the bottom of the screen
A box at top right of the screen will quickly appear to say NDRates404Full.exe
If you wait too long NDRates404Full.exe may disappear. If so select the download file option (it is a down arrow top right) to display NDRates404Full.exe

Using Microsoft Edge (c). Edge may put a warning message at the top right saying. NDRates404Full.exe is not a common download file.
Click on this warning message and select the (top right bottom) three dots icon [...] Then select option Keep
Edge may give a second warning message "Make sure you can trust NDRates404Full.exe". Select [Show More] and select [Keep Anyway].

In the small top right box you should now finally see [Open File] under the NDRates404Full.exe small text, Click [Open File]

For all browsers Windows Defender many now give a blue warning message that Windows Protected your PC.
Select [More Information]. Then select [Run Anyway]

In reply to the WinZip (c) Self-Extractor.
if you are upgrading tick the bottom left tick box [ ] Overwrite files without prompting.
These are documentation files that will be update and will save you press Yes 15 times.

Then in WinZip Self-Extractor (c) click [Unzip]. (top button)
The Winzip Self-Extractor (c) will copy all the required files into a directory named c:\ndrates.
Close the WinZip Self-Exctractor and exit your browser

Check that your Excel menu option [Tools] [Macro] [Security] is set to [Medium] (for earlier Windows Microsoft Office versions) to allow Excel to use Visual Basic. Else set a Trusted Directory (see later).

NOTE: All browsers should put NDRates404Full.exe in your Windows Download folder. You can click on this also to install NDRates404.xlsm to the directory c:\ndrates
FInally. Delete NDRates404Full.exe in your Windows Download folder file after unzipping NDRates404Full.exe since it is no longer needed and just taking up space.

Next load the unzipped NDRates404.xlsm application c:\ndrates\NDRates404.xlsm

NOTE: The first time you run NDRates404.xlsm In Reply to the Excel (c)  'Security Warning. Macros have been disabled' (in yellow at the top of the Main Excel (c) Microsoft sheet). Click [Enable Contents]. If you save the NDRates404.xlsm with a different name this 'Security Warning' is repeated the first time you load the newly named filed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Recent versions of Microsoft Windows and Office (c) use Trusted Directories so that Excel VBA application code can run.  Trused Directories can be set from the Excel Menu options [Excel Options] [Trust Centres] [Trust Centre Settings] [Trust Locations] [Add New Location] [ c:\ndrates]. Tick include Sub Folders. Note that you may need administrator rights to do this. If you are not the administrator please contact your I.T. support.
Note that if you set a [Trusted Location] to c:\ndrates ALSO tick the option [include sub-directories (Sub Folders)] if it is presented?

Tip: if you are upgrading, tick the WinZip self-Extractor (c) Unzip option 'Overwrite Files WithOut Prompting' to overwrite files without prompting. These will be old .HTM documentation files. Previous versions of NDRates (c) will not be overwritten, since they will have a different file name from NDRates404.xlsm (i.e. NDRates400.xlsm).

You will find NDRates404.xlsm in the directory c:\ndrates

There is a free contact telepone number at the top of this page if you need help?

Please use the Current Version.

Microsoft Windows 10 (c), Windows 11 (c), XP (c), NT (c), Microsoft Office (c), Microsoft Excel (c), Microsoft Word (c) and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (c) are the copyright of Microsoft Corporation. WinZip (c) is the copyright of WinZip Computing, Inc.